My name is Brittany Oickle, owner of First Class Digital Marketing. I am originally from Nova Scotia but currently in Devon, Alberta.
My Story
I have two amazing children and a spouse. Our younger child was diagnosed with a rare disability called Menkes Syndrome. So, working outside of my home was a bit of a challenge as he needs 24-hour care. That's when I decided to look at options for returning to school.
I recently graduated from Digital Marketing and Social Media Management with Sundance College in September 2021. In January of 2022 I started my business with First Class Digital Marketing and run my business from my home.
Now, I absolutely love what I do with helping other businesses succeed and grow using Social Medias to advertise to the world about their businesses.

First Class Digital Marketing communicates remotely through zoom!
You can also contact us through our social medias that are provided below: