My name is Brittany Oickle, owner of First Class Digital Marketing. I am originally from Nova Scotia but currently in Devon, Alberta.
My Story
I have two amazing children and a spouse. Our younger child was diagnosed with a rare disability called Menkes Syndrome. So, working outside of my home was a bit of a challenge as he needs 24-hour care. That's when I decided to look at options for returning to school.
I recently graduated from Digital Marketing and Social Media Management with Sundance College in September 2021. In January of 2022 I started my business with First Class Digital Marketing and run my business from my home.
Now, I absolutely love what I do with helping other businesses succeed and grow using Social Medias to advertise to the world about their businesses.

My Story
I have two amazing children and a spouse. Our younger child was diagnosed with a rare disability called Menkes Syndrome. So working out of my home was a bit of a challenge as he needs 24 hour care. That's when I decided to look at options for returning to school.
I recently graduated from Digital Marketing and Social Media Management with Sundance College in September 2021. In January of 2022 I started my business with First Class Digital Marketing.
Now, I absolutely love what I do with helping other businesses succeed and grow using Social Medias to advertise to the world about their businesses.